
Children have a great imagination and are good at making up stories. As you walk along you can make up stories about where you are going, what you will find along the way and who the other characters in your landscape are. The playground could be a desert island, the trees could be wise old men, the blackbirds could be fairies, the path could be a river.

Step 1

As you walk along say ‘stop, spin, point’. Whatever you point at you have to make up a story about it.

Step 2

Keep walking and keep adding to your story. Take it in turns to shout ‘stop, spin, point’, so that everyone adds something to the story.

Step 3

Sit down together and try to remember your story journey. Can you re-tell the story?

What you need

Just your imagination.


When you get home, can you try drawing out your story on paper?

Did you know?

Making up stories outside is good for both our body and brain. Story telling lights up our brain and being outside is good for our physical health.

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